Recent content by djgreedo

  1. djgreedo

    Align climb with platform/collider?

    I did try to do that, but had no idea what I was doing, and couldn't get anything to work. The animation itself is readonly, and I can't find where to replace it in the animator with a duplicate I can modify. This is my first 3D project, and when the time comes I'll probably get someone else to...
  2. djgreedo

    Align climb with platform/collider?

    Thanks. I guess I'll have to learn a bit more about animation, etc. I've just replaced my character with Nolan for the time being and it works correctly, which is all I need at this stage.
  3. djgreedo

    Align climb with platform/collider?

    I have implemented hanging/pull up (3rd Person Controller plus the agility addon), and have hanging and pull up working. However, the character pulls up quite a distance above the platform surface (and then falls down onto the surface until grounded). Here is a .gif showing what I mean: This...
  4. djgreedo

    3rd person Camera Jittery

    If it's generally jittery and not just an issue with those EditorLoop spikes, I had the same problem and found that changing UpdateLocation on the UltimateCharacterLocomotion script to 'FixedUpdate' made my camera buttery smooth, and also fixed an issue I had with inconsistent jumping.