Recent content by avalonsutra

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    Adjusting capsule collider height when height change ability

    Nevermind! Got it figured out. These parameters work...
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    Adjusting capsule collider height when height change ability

    First of all sorry for the many questions currently! I'm trying to get a number of UCC abilities to work properly so I can carry on with other tasks in my project. I have a prone ability that makes the character go, well, prone. This automatically adjusts the character's capsule collider to a...
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    Preventing jump ability while crouched

    It was already late last night when I tried states but did not think far enough to remember that they can be used to disable an ability. I will try this, thank you!
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    Preventing jump ability while crouched

    Hi, I have a crouch ability (height change) and want to prevent the jump ability while the character is crouched. What would be a good approach of achieving this?
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    UCC and Playmaker - interacting with objects

    Thanks, I'll look into creating a custom class following IInteractableTarget!
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    Adapting zoom state look offset when crouched or prone

    Ok, thanks this works! The tiny difference being that the first parameter (object obj) is omitted. On the doc page it is still part of the example code: EventHandler.RegisterEvent<Vector3, Vector3, GameObject>(gameObject, "OnDeath", OnDeath);
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    How to not set Aim when using First Person Combat mode?

    Nevermind! Found it on Item Abilities. Would have helped a lot to mention that it's on Item Abilities.
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    Adapting zoom state look offset when crouched or prone

    Anything I can find in the Opsive source files for OnStateChange is this and it doesn't provide any example on how the event is listened to, except for on the stateElementContainer perhaps, which I doubt should be required for this. Would be great to have some usage example for this in the docs...
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    How to not set Aim when using First Person Combat mode?

    Where would this need to be set? I have no Aim ability in the list of abilities... There's also no ability named Aim in the default abilities list...
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    Adapting zoom state look offset when crouched or prone

    Hi Justin, thanks for taking the time to reply! Reg. > Is there any event for listenting to state changes? I found OnStateChange in the source but seems there's nothing coming through, e.g. What could be the reason for not receiving events from OnStateChange? i've set it up the same way as...
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    How to not set Aim when using First Person Combat mode?

    When I go from Third-person Adventure mode into First Person Combat mode, UCC seems to automatically decide to set Aim property to true (in the animator controller). Can this behavior be disabled somewhere or is this a hard requirement of UCC?
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    UCC and Playmaker - interacting with objects

    How do I set up UCC interaction ability to work with Playmaker? I've imported the UCC Playmaker integration package and I followed this very basic Playmaker tutorial to get started: ... in this tutorial the door button is triggered by a Mouse Down event which is not what I want. Instead I want...
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    Adapting zoom state look offset when crouched or prone

    Ok, on the Character game object it works! Just for completeness ... > If not you will need to register the event with the character instead of the local GameObject. How would this look, code-wise? Is there any event for listenting to state changes? I found OnStateChange in the source but seems...
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    Adapting zoom state look offset when crouched or prone

    Thanks for the hints, I've copied the script from the Abilities docs page... using UnityEngine; using Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.Abilities; using Stellar.Core; using EventHandler = Opsive.Shared.Events.EventHandler; public class UCCAbilityListener : MonoBehaviour { ///...
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    Adapting zoom state look offset when crouched or prone

    How can a property be changed depending on two states? Example: Third-person camera and character Has Crouching height change ability --> Crouch state with a camera look offset Y -0.5 Has Zoom ability --> Zoom state with camera look offset Y 0.0 Zooming while standing upright looks OK. Zooming...