Recent content by ASerg3v

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    Invisible custom SharedVariable in the Inspector

    Oh, I see... UnitTask is a simple class without any inheritance like Monobehavior or ScriptableObject. So it cannot have a reference like SharedGameObject has. Sorry for bothering you!
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    Invisible custom SharedVariable in the Inspector

    Hello Colleagues, I've created a custom SharedVariable and I would like to edit the value via the inspector, however, the inspector does not display its name until a right button is pressed. Is it a bug ? See some code I use: [System.Serializable] public class SharedUnitTask ...
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    Lower Priority tree doesn't execute after switching to a right node

    Hopefully, I've found a solution. Here is what I've got using the developer's comment from another post: "Conditional aborts trigger when the conditional task changes the TaskStatus. This means that it can trigger from success to failure or failure to success. Since Conditional2 continues to...
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    Lower Priority tree doesn't execute after switching to a right node

    Hello everyone, I have a strange issue with an execution order in the BT for my warrior. When the warrior sees an enemy then a left tree is executed and the warrior follows and attacks the enemy however if the enemy was lost (too far from the warrior to attack) then the attack tree will be...