Recent content by armaan8014

  1. A

    HasTakenDamage not working consistently

    Alright, for anyone that has a similar issue - the Cover task wasn't working properly as it needed more raycasts (I set it to 500) As for TakeDamage, it worked for me by removing these lines of code, and setting the Attacker in the inspector: 50 //if (m_Attacker.IsShared) { 51...
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    HasTakenDamage not working consistently

    Ok, thanks for the response. Broadly speaking - is there any way to reset task status after they are completed? Any task that does this? I have the same issue as this thread - I'm currently achieving this by editing...
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    HasTakenDamage not working consistently

    What - isn't this a Behavior Designer issue?
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    HasTakenDamage not working consistently

    Update: Adding a 1s Wait task after Cover makes it *slightly* more consistent - HasTakenDamage works more often on the first hit. But it shows failure for all later hits. The other issue (Cover staying stuck on Success after the first time) also remains.
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    HasTakenDamage not working consistently

    Here you can see it works once (around 0:15) and then never works again
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    HasTakenDamage not working consistently

    Hi I have an AI that's supposed to run for cover as soon as it takes damage. This sequence works randomly in my setup. Mostly, the sequence doesn't run at all, other times, it runs only once throughout the whole play session. Here's a video showing the behavior tree. You can tell when the enemy...
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    AStarAIAgent Movement Ability missing

    I just figured it out as well and downloaded the right one. Hopefully this thread helps someone else making the same mistake out too.
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    AStarAIAgent Movement Ability missing

    The tutorial here leads to a download page with only a Behavior Designer integration for A* Pathfinding - not a UCC integration. Is it supposed to be one package only? But when I import it, it only extracts TASKS, there is no AStarAIAgent ABILITY. I have posted screenshots showing what I have...
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    Bug - Nolan doesn't stand from crouch if near a wall

    I expected this response - do you not even provide customer support/ bug fixes on V2? Updating is not possible for me/many others in the middle of a project. This seems like a very core issue. Could you possibly take a look and help me with a fix at least, or have you completely discarded V2...
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    Bug - Nolan doesn't stand from crouch if near a wall

    This might be a bug, or I might have changed something on my end. 1. Character controller variant - FPC 2.4.9 2. Unity version - 2020.3.11f1 3. Bug description/ Steps to reproduce If you stand very close to a wall, the player is unable to stand up properly. Specifically, the capsule collider...
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    Adding "jump input buffer"

    Adding it as a feature request would be great, thanks! I'm not really a programmer so that would really help.
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    Character slows down when running next to a wall

    Any update/possible solution for this? I'd like to know as well
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    Adding "jump input buffer"

    More info:
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    Adding "jump input buffer"

    Is there any way to add a jump input buffer in UCC? I've already added grounded grace period/ coyote time, but can't find any way to add the buffer. More info on what it means - It basically means being able to jump a few seconds/frames before you...
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    Free climb problems

    1. Would you suggest that or would it be a better idea to set grounded as true whenever the character is climbing a ladder? Whats a more stable solution? 2. The solution in the link I posted above, is that a correct solution to this? Fixed it by turning off fall damage as suggested. (Also had...