Recent content by amartinez1660

  1. A

    Convert aim ability control for mobile

    Just to raise awareness a bit. Currently on that exact same situation. Ended up tweaking inside the CameraControllerHandler, maybe there's a way to make a proper adapter component around that one or inherit from that class and react accordingly. Some users on the Discord have suggested...
  2. A

    Shootable Weapon events?

    Awesome, thanks a lot. ------ The one thing that I see is that this happens only as soon as the ability gets activated (as the event name does suggest), then it is our responsibility to trigger the following events for everytime the gun shoots (let me know if I'm missing something here). Maybe...
  3. A

    Shootable Weapon events?

    To get the actual weapon that shot, we look for the shootable weapon component on those items? Using GetComponent? Trying to find the easiest way to get to "weapon just shot" event. Currently I'm going through the consumable types on the UsableItems list and making sure that it consumed more...
  4. A

    Ability Camera Zoom States

    Hi! I just stumbled around the same issue, would be great to see if there's anything being done on it? Or a set of 'best practices' to work around it? Regarding the combined state, seems like a great suggestions, what's the best way to do that? Maybe a 'States Monitor' where we listen to states...