Kinematic Character Controller
The character controller is a kinematic controller allowing for smooth locomotion movement. It uses the Rigidbody at the backend allowing you to interpolate between positions.

First Person Perspective

Extensible Ability System
The ability system allows for new character functionality without having to change any of the core character controller classes. This makes the controller extremely flexibly and allows for an infinite range of possibilities.

Modular Item System
The modular item system allows you to add, remove, and modify small classes – modules – without having to change the core item classes. This allows for even more extensibility and flexibility.

Character Switch
Models with different rigs can be added to a single character allowing you to switch between models at runtime.

Dynamic Gravity
Up isn’t always up. The dynamic gravity system allows the character to change orientation based on the surface, a gravity zone, or your own vector input.

Versatile Set of Items
Includes 19 item types of melee, shootable, magic, throwable, and flashlight.

Surface System
Dynamically spawn effects, such as particles, textures, or audio, based on the surface that was hit. This is great for having the water splash when the character walks through it or a splinter coming off a wood crate when the crate is fired upon.

Dual Wielding
Why use only one weapon at a time when you can use two? The inventory slot system allows you to use any number of items at the same time.

Ride and Drive
The ability system includes the ride and drive abilities. This allows your character to ride on an existing Ultimate Character Controller character. Your character can also drive any other vehicle that implements a common drive interface.

Virtual Controls
The controller runs great on mobile devices and includes a set of virtual controls for touch input.

Documentation & Videos
The controller is great for both beginners and experts alike with the hours of tutorial videos and more than 300 pages of documentation. If you have any question our support forum is a great resource – chances are your question has already been answered!