Version 3 abilities


New member
Has there been any change with extending custom abilities with version 3? I am attempting to create my own Roll ability. I have the ability class and have it successfully associated with a key press in the new input system. Through debug statements I can see it going through the motions of starting the ability (attempting to trace the path similar to the included Jump ability). However, the animation never plays and I am seeing that it never gets added to the ActiveAbilities array for the AnimatorMonitor to Set the ability index. I followed the video in the documentation for the crawl ability. The roll works as expected when I set it to a trigger similar to the video but, it does not work when I set it to button down (similar to jump).
It either sounds like the ability is not starting or the ability gets stopped right away after it starts. You can debug this by placing a breakpoint within AbilityStarted/AbilityStopped to determine what is starting/stopping it. The abilities video was made with version 2 but there aren't any major changes to the ability system in version 3 so the same steps can be applied.
That is what it was. There is a virtual method for CanStopAbility. If you don't override it, it always returns true and stops the ability before the AnimatorMonitor runs UpdateAbilityAnimatorParameters. Now I just need to determine the best logic for when to return true in the overridden method... or I can wait until you get the AgiltyPack working with v3 :)

Edit: I ended up changing the Stop Action from Automatic to Button Up (and removed the overidden method). This seems to have worked.
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