Unity's Animation Rigging package & Character IK incompatibility questions


New member
I want to create dynamic animations to help create more of a immersive world, but I am running into a road block. Some of the animations I want to dynamically create through the animation rigging package are:
  • Moving the hands to grab onto a chest and open it.
  • Grabbing an item at a specific location
  • Moving the head to follow and look at a specific target (Like how Starfield, Elder Scrolls, etc does it).
  • and more.
The issue is the model glitches out to what I am assuming is a conflict between the Character IK and the Animation Rigging package both trying to handle the movement/rotation of the bones on the character such as the head, chest, spine, arms, etc.

Is there a way to resolve this conflict or to allow both the Character IK and Animation Rigging package to work together (blend, override, temporary disabling certain control on bones, etc)?
The character controller doesn't require the Character IK component so you can just remove it and use the Rigging package. This should prevent any conflict
Thanks for replying. That is what I am currently doing. I was hoping there was a way to have them coexist without it conflicting. There's a lot of features that the Character IK does which would save me a lot of time to implement myself.

I was hoping to have the Character IK handle character IK and use the animation rigging package just for dynamic animations. Basically blend/swap between them.

I should've been more specific. I'm sorry.
There isn't a way right now to have them both exist. It will take an integration. I actually haven't gotten this request before but I'll add it to my list.