UCC, Root Motion third person turning


New member
I'm using a third-person adventure controller, and want to use root motion for all movement/turning while rotating the character towards the camera's view.
However, when root motion rotation is enabled, yaw becomes zero.

Without root motion rotation, the character behaves as expected on the ground. Animation is driven forward by root motion position, and the character will rotate towards the camera's view relative to input.
We also want to use root motion for our flight animations, and having a parameter that can be used to play those motions towards the camera is ideal (pitch,yaw, expected). This would be ideally extended to the ground-based rotation, and use the same parameter.

Perhaps this is the wrong movement type to pursue this on? I considered making a custom movement type similar to adventure, but found that Yaw seemed to be animation driven(torque?), and opted to see if there was a suggested path for creating this movement behavior.
This is expected behaviour for root motion rotation, so you will indeed need to create a custom movement type, based on third person adventure.

From what I understand, you want to have the character's forward facing direction to always be the same direction that the camera is looking in? If so, you should be able to just manually rotate the character based on the camera's rotation around the Y axis.
I'd like the root motion to be used in place of motor rotation, but otherwise mimic the same behaviors of tp-adventure with the same camera.
Preferably with a single parameter used to drive the animation's rotation. At the moment, either Yaw or Horizontal is zero depending on if root motion is on or off.

Can you recommend a value I should drive in the new movement type? I had tried a new type to drive the yaw parameter, but GetDeltaYawRotation looked to depend on torque, which was animation driven.
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