Third Person Controller & Puppetmaster not working - no puppetmaster on collision


New member
Hello. I've followed the instructions on setting up Puppetmaster with Third Person Controller but having issues- using this guide...

I've started the project from scratch several times - tried using Unity 2019 and 2018. However, the character does not detect the collision when adding a cube (or anything) and marking it's layer as collision.

Also loaded the Demo "Scene" in the puppetmaster integrations, using 2018 right now, and the player walks right through the cube when loaded. Changed the cube layer from "collision" to "enemy" to test and the player no longer goes through the cube, it now stops at the cube but puppetmaster does not do anything with hit - no fall down or other collision that I'm able to do on other controllers.

Lots of issues trying to get this to work. Following instructions down to the T and unable to even get the demo scene to work - trying Unity 2018 & 2019. Was hoping to get puppetmaster and the Opsive Multiplayer working together but right now I'm stuck and could really use some help.

I'm able to add the opsive character by itself, so something is happening when integrating the puppetmaster. Not sure if the Integrations file needs an update or anything else that may be causing an issue as it's not working with a fresh install.
This does sound like some sort of a layer issue.
Also loaded the Demo "Scene" in the puppetmaster integrations, using 2018 right now, and the player walks right through the cube when loaded.
Walking through the cube is good from the character controller side of things, but it means that PuppetMaster is recognizing that it should collide with that layer. I'd double check that you have the layers set on the Behavior Puppet component.

Was hoping to get puppetmaster and the Opsive Multiplayer working together but right now I'm stuck and could really use some help.
PuppetMaster doesn't support any networking implementations so you'll need to add support in order to get that to work.
Thank you for the response.

I've done a fresh install using 2018, Opsive Third Party Controller and Puppetmaster - just those two. After adding the Project Setup of Buttons and Layers, when I open the Demo Scene of the Puppetmaster Integration - checked Puppet Behavior, ground layer is default, collision layer is collision, layers look good with 24 collision and 25 ragdoll - Puppetmaster in hierarchy is set to ragdoll, and the Player is layer "Character" with "Subcharcter" in it's children. Done nothing but load a fresh install of just those two and running the demo scene - walks right through the cube. Cube is set to collision and still walking through it.

Went through the tutorial about 10 times with fresh installs, on 2018 and 2019 and all seem to do the same thing - walk through the cube. If I change the cube to "enemy" then it will not walk through the cube... it doesn't activate the puppetmaster to fall or anything, but it doesn't walk through it at least. Yes, think some kind of layer issue but don't know why. I figure if the Demo Scene works with a fresh install then the rest will too but that isn't happening so not sure where this is breaking. Really need help with this as I got this controller thinking it could work with Puppetmaster. Thanks for your help!
It looks like there was an extra box unchecked in the Physics - once I selected that box (it was in the ragdoll top, collision left, that was unchecked) it seemed to work! Thanks for pointing in the direction for layers.

Though I do have a question now that Puppetmaster is working. When the player falls down, if you keep pressing a key (w for forward for example) while the character gets up the movement is still active and the player snaps to it. How can we make it so when the player is getting back up the movement doesn't work until they're fully back up. Could send a video if needed.
Glad you got it working. Under the General settings of the ability you can deselect Allow Positional Input which will prevent the character from moving.
@Justin Thank you for your help - working good now!

Just in case people ran into the same thing - this is where I found the issue in both 2018 & 2019 where it was unchecked even with a fresh install. Once I checked it, back to good.


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