The pickup prefab in CharacterInventoryBridge don't work.



When I dragged the item from the inventory to the ground to drop it. I thought would instantiate inventoryitempickupprefab( in characterinventorybridge) at this time, and then assign item and its information (such as amount)to the inventoryitempickupprefab. But in fact, I found that it was not. I checked the code and found that draging to drop the prefab is using the ItemObjectPrefab in ItemObjectSpawner. Why use the two prefabs separately?

Not everyone uses the integration between UCC/UIS. The Drag&Drop drop does not know about UCC at all, so it required another solution to drop items.
Feel free to create your own custom Drop Action to drop the item the way you want to. I'll add in my TODO list to add a new action to drop through the Character.