Selfdriven WildLife


New member
Would be great to have a forest terrain filled with autonomous wildlife (thirdperson agents) like deer, wolf etz. doing things with abilities like eat, drink, sleep, flee, hide, attack, die, spawn etz. controlled by UCC and a behavoiur tree. maybe interacting both with each other and also with a player hunter or something. Was planning to use GIM Wolf and GIM RedDeer from Asset Store. Any suggestions as to the best approach of getting started.? Maybe from the third person meele example in the UCC Behaviour tree integration and downsize the Behaviour tree and Automation Control??? I am still not thoroughly familiar with the abilities of UCC so ideas suggestions would be nice. If more people are interested in something like this we might put up a common developer project on github?
In that case suggestions to using cheaper start animals than GIM would be to prefer me guess. Hope to hear from someone regarding this which I think might open a new market segment for ucc/Behavoiur designer type of projects (No longer only shooting games)) Just to try to tempt Justin :) . Videos on how to achieve autonomous wildlife might constitute excellent learning materiel regarding Ucc and Behaviour trees.
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Really interested to know about adding animals too. I want to add random encounters with snakes and such.
Likewise, once I get my head around controlling NPCs with UCC and BD I'm going to start setting up our animals. Having some examples for this would be grately appreciated.