Save and Load


We are using BD for decision making and Playmaker for actual actions. We are in a stage to find a way to save and load the entire game data. Our game is like Roller Coaster Tycoon, where we have a lot of AI, cars, buildings with their own data[ position, rotation, state, animation playing, and more ]. We came across a plugin called EasySave which supports Playmaker. We are gonna ask developers of the Playmaker and EasySave too. Just for making sure no conflicts between these 3 plugins.


1. Is there already a way to save the behavior tree and load it back in the case of BD?.

- We had a look at this thread,

Guessing that feature is not yet implemented yet? Or did we misunderstand that thread?

2. If we use the EasySave plugin, should we be aware of anything or any cautious steps that need to be followed to avoid any known issues with BD?

3. Any other suggestions would be really helpful.
