Pseudo 3D Path

Motion Brain

New member
Does anyone know how to use the pseudo 3D path. My camera is doing weird stuff while going around a corner. I added the pseudo 3D path ability to the character and also added the path object to the character.

The character moves only at the path length. So the path is working.
By creating a corner the camera won’t follow the path and try’s to rotate around the character. It looks like the camera is trying to go the other side around and moves back. It’s kinda jiggling.
Is there a possible way to determine the direction of the camera and maybe the way on how to turn around ? I had to change the z axis parameter. So the camera would be on the right side when starting the game.

Or do I need to add a script to the camera ?
Did I miss something ?

Any help would be appreciated! ?
added the path object to the character.
You should not add the path to the character - this will move the path with the character and will cause the weird functionality. Take a look at the demo scene for an example, but the path should be added outside of the character.
I meant that I added the path to the movement type
But I fixed it. The Anker points of a path point were the problem. I edited them as a curve. Before that there wasn’t a curve at all and this was the problem for the weird behavior.