Possible bug in "Interactable" script (UIS)


Active member
There seems to be a possible bug in the "OnDeselect" event on the Interactable script for UIS system. Please see video for reference:
When moving back and deselecting the chest the world canvas text wont disable until i go back into OnSelect.
Yeah that looks like a bug to me...

But I double checked the code and did some tests, everything is working as expected on my end.

So my guess is that something with your setup is incorrect.
Is it possible that you interactable has Two triggers?
Or that you are disabling a trigger collider when on are close to the object?

Please send me some screenshots or video or your object inspectors, so that we can figure this out
Here is a video of the behavior of my chest:
It works perfectly until i open the chest.



There is no other trigger collider on the object!
That's very odd, everything looks good.
Could you add some debug.Logs or break points in the code to see where it prevents the interactable to be deselected?

Check the Deselect function int the Interactable script. Perhaps the CanInteract condition returns true or it never ges called, But I have no idea why that would be the case
Im sorry @Sangemdoko i completly missed your answer! I re visited this topic myself and tried every setting imagenable and at last I think i found the issue!

When this bool is toggled on this bug happens, so i simply turned that off and now it seems to work perfectly!