Pickup Radius


New member
Hi I'm new to UIS
I would like the character to be able to pickup 3d items within a radius of the item rather than have to be right next to each item to pickup.
If possible please can you point me to the solution for this please. I thought I could just increase the size of the collider but this doesnt appear to work or more than likely i'm looking in the wrong place.
I would also like this functionality on Lootbags/Chests as well if possible. This option is the most important of the two for me as i can always put the individual loot into a container if there are issues doing this individually.
Many thanks
You are correct in looking at the collider. But make sure you are looking at the "trigger" collider.
You can either change the one on the character or the one on the interactables.

You can read more here:
and here:

Note our interactables system is quite simple/straightforward. if you need something more advanced feel free to replace it with your own. But if it's just a case of increasing the collider size then that shouldn't be necessary.