new install, following tutorials: Weapon Misaligned

I was following the beginner tutorials, and I got as far as the second video "Quick Prototyping" before I encountered an issue I cannot seem to resolve.
Moving works great, shooting and equipping... not so much.
I am working in an example scene from "Eternal Temple asset", and I am using Atlas as the player mesh. I am in URP.
I have changed no UCC settings aside from those delineated in the first and second video
from April 2022.

Where do I need to look and what do I need to do to edit to get weapons to work?
Again, I have not changed any settings aside from settings in the video, so either they imported incorrectly, or the defaults are set for some different use case?
Also I was unable to upload my images here. I resized till 588x323 (1.4MB), and it was still too big... sooooo Imgur!

Any help is appricated.
That Quick Prototyping video is from version 2 and I have not been able to look at the FPS Mesh Tool integration to see if anything needs to change. With that said, you can follow these videos for getting a new weapon working:
Makes sense. Yeah, for that you'll want to watch the videos pages in the link before. The Quick Protyping video hasn't been updated for version 3. You can also use the template feature to copy all of the parameters:

I have not had a chance to create a video on the template feature yet.
okay, thanks! I'll check that out!
When new videos for V3 are created, where can we find them/ be notified when they release?
I have the same problem and I'm with version 3. followed the video about creating the assault rifle and when I assign the local space position and rotation it doesn't work
Make sure you follow the tutorials exactly as they are. They were made with the version that was released on the store so are definitely accurate.