Lerping Between Presets


New member
The preset system seems pretty useful but I wish there was a way to lerp between presets. I have been thinking about ways to implement this and am wondering if anyone has any ideas / input. The desired behavior would be for a preset (or even a specific property of the preset) to be enabled as lerpable & have a lerp duration configurable in the preset.
One way to implement this would be to have another property for the underlying variable whose setter starts a lerping routine but this would be cumbersome as each property that I would want to be lerpable would have to have an additional property implemented.
Ideally I could extend the statebehavior system to support this in a general case. I realize it uses reflection though so don't want to spend a bunch of time writing something thats gona be slow a f.
Lerping presets (or extending presets in general) is something that I wanted to look at for version 3 but didn't have the time. It requires a lot of thought to do intuitively. If you come up with something that works well I'd be interested in seeing your solution :)