Inventory Item Set Manager help?


New member
Hi, I'm trying to set up an inventory system similar to how Escape from Tarkov has set up - where keyboard inputs 1, 2, and 3 correspond to specific equipped weapon slots. It seems the ItemSlotCollectionItemSetRule is what I should use, but I think I'm confused as to how to set it up. I have my item set manager with three rules (each one of those rules is identical, though), and they all show the item in the first slot only (the AKM). That makes sense - since the rules are all identical - but that's not my intended behavior. Ideally, Item Set 0 would still be the AKM, Item Set 1 would be the 590A1, and Item Set 2 would be the M9. Think you could point me in the right direction?

I'm attaching some images of relevant scripts - sorry they're kinda disjointed :)

Thanks for your help!





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The ItemSetRules are meant to create ItemSets for the currently "soft"&"active" equipped items.
ItemSets are mainly used to tell the character what items he can equip at the same time. Example Sword+Shield, Dual Pistols, Two handed spear, but not Dual handed spears.

That's all the rules are meant to be used for, tell the character what items can be actively equipped at the same time.

The ItemSlotCollectionItemSetRule is slightly different as it uses the slots of your UIS equipment to know where the UCC weapon should go.
Such that if you put a sword in the left hand it will equip the sword on the left hand, if you put it in the right hand slot, it will equip the sword in the right hand.

So in your case you probably don't want to have all your weapons on your character at the same time. I imagine what you want is to simply equip/unequip items depending on the items in a hotbar perhaps?

I haven't played Escape from Tarkov so correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd say to use a simple rule where you can only equip one item at a time. Then have an Itemhotbar that has an ItemAction to equipunequip the selected item. (Just like the UIS demo scene)