How to set up Ammo binding for multiple shootable components?


I have a weapon with two shootable components, I am trying to set up so primary fire and alt fire use different ammo types. With this setup only the primary shootable works, but if I configure the alt fire to have unlimited ammo the weapon fires both shootables normally, I havent been able to get it to work using the same ammo either.
I duplicated the ammodata attribute on Weapon with Ammo category to make AltAmmoData.

bow bug.png
You shouldn't need to see the ammo bindings in the ItemBinding component.
The ShootableWeaponAmmoBingin components should do everything on their own.

I wonder if that could be the problem.

I don't know if it could apply to you. But when I wanted an item to fire differente type for ammo I had an external script that would change the ammoData and the projectile prefab. This way I only have a single ShootableWeapon.
But that's not really applicable if you second shootable weapon is required for have very differente settings.