How to make correct collider for a cat model?


New member
New to unity and experimenting with UCC trying to control these cat models:

I created a new scene, imported UCC and the cat models, created a flat terrain and added the cat. I created an animator that has all 22 parameters and it's, for now, just using the idle and walk animations, based on the Moving and ForwardMoving parameters sent to the animator script by UCC.

While this works I noticed that UCC created a simple capsule collider for my character. This is too big but even while I can resize it. It won't allow me to put colliders on the cat's paws?

In the hierarchy there are 4 paws and I can add colliders to them but they do not seem to be used?
Do all colliders need to be in the 'Colliders' group created by UCC? And if so: How can I add a collider to the paws?
( The paws move as the cat is walking, playing, catching, ....)

Thanks for advice!
Take a look at the horse from the demo scene - I recommend structuring your colliders similar to that. You should not use individual colliders for the paws, similar to how humanoid don't have individual colliders for the feet.
The cat is animated and I added the colliders to the paws gameobjects. Because I need to be able to detect when a cat catches something if the paws are touching it. So that's why I thought I would need colliders on the paws. No?
You can add colliders, but they wouldn't be for locomotion collision detection. For a cat locomotion you should really just need one horizontal capsule collider.

For surface effects you also don't need colliders, just need to reference all of the paw transforms within the character foot effects component.
I have referenced all 4 paw gameobjects in the foot effects component.
Now I see speaker icons when walking in my test-environment. I have been searching for a while now but I was unable to find how to get rid of those? I don't need the foot steps audio for now.
@akke Hey, gizmos can be toggled on and off in both the scene and game view. In the top right corner of each view you've got a Gizmo button on which you can just click once to toggle them, or click on the arrow next to it to get the list of gizmos and deactivate only some specific ones, you can for example type AudioSource and deactivate only those.

Here is Unity's manual page on Gizmos if you're interested :