how save/load BehaviorSource json in Playmode


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To save the state of the game to a file, you need to save / load the state of the behavior tree and its variables, how to do it? (not work in play mode)

public class TestBehaviorTreeSerialize : MonoBehaviour
public string Json;

public BehaviorTree behaviorTree;

private void Awake()
behaviorTree = GetComponent<BehaviorTree>();

private void Save()
var source = behaviorTree.GetBehaviorSource();
Json = JsonUtility.ToJson(source);

private void Load()
var source = JsonUtility.FromJson<BehaviorSource>(Json);
behaviorTree.enabled = false;
if (source.CheckForSerialization(true))
behaviorTree.enabled = true;
Plase add call standad interface UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver
by serialize/deserialize BehaviorSource

is to expand the data serialization, in variables, tasks and any objects

i am use runtime source

add to BinaryDeserialization.LoadFields to end

if (obj is ISerializationCallbackReceiver)
catch (Exception e)

and to JSONDeserialization.DeserializeObject to end

if (obj is ISerializationCallbackReceiver)
catch (Exception e)

but BehaviorSource exists only in Editor
i am decompile serializer and include him to runtime


private static void SerializeFields(
object obj,
ref Dictionary<string, object> dict,
ref List<UnityEngine.Object> unityObjects)
if (obj is ISerializationCallbackReceiver)
catch (Exception e)

tis code work in runtime, but no OnBeforeSerialize call in editor

example use

public class SharedMapObject : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
public MapObject Obj;

private int _idToSerialize = -1;

public void OnBeforeSerialize()
_idToSerialize = -1;
if (Obj != null && Obj.Entity != null)
_idToSerialize = Obj.Entity.Id;

public void OnAfterDeserialize()
if (_idToSerialize != -1 && WorldView.Instance != null)
Obj = WorldView.Instance.GetEntity(_idToSerialize) as MapObject;

public class SharedMapObjectVariable : SharedVariable<SharedMapObject>
public static implicit operator SharedMapObjectVariable(SharedMapObject value)
return new SharedMapObjectVariable
mValue = value
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Merging your threads. Right now it is not possible to save/load the tree at runtime. This is something that I have planned for version 2.

There's more to it than subscribing to the interface. In addition to the tasks/variables, the current active task, conditional aborts, variable values, etc need to also be serialized and this ends up being a lot of work in order to do properly. I have heard of others adding this using the runtime source, but they are doing it for specific tasks and not an overall general feature.