Footstep sounds when trying to move while using an animated ability


Active member
Hello, I don't know if this was ever brought up before, at least I know I should have asked about it earlier, but basically when we try pressing the movement keys while our character is playing an animated ability, we can hear some footstep sounds being played, even though the movement input isn't even affecting the character. This issue doesn't affect all abilities equally though, for example when trying this with a simple sword combo, it is much more likely to occur during the third strike. At the moment I don't know what is causing this, if anyone has an idea I'd be grateful !
What footstep mode are you using? If you place a breakpoint within the CharacterFootEffects.Footstep method what is the call stack?
Hi, apologies, it looks like things work correctly with all methods when Footstep Triggers are correctly set up with a sphere collider trigger, the default layer and Footstep Trigger component - which they weren't in my case - and that the footsteps heard in abilities are actually correct and not resulting from input. Sorry about that !