ExtendedItemTransactionCollection, m_AddingToCollection and RejectItem


The AddInternal method checks the m_AddingToCollection field for zero and calls RejectItem. I can create an action to throw an item when the RejectItem fires.
But I want to know in advance if there is a place?
The CanAddItem method tries to add item and if there is no m_AddingToCollection = null;

Perhaps there is a way to find out m_AddingToCollection?

Now I have done this ExtendedItemTransactionCollection:

        protected ItemCollection m_AddingToCollection;
        public ItemCollection AddingToCollection => m_AddingToCollection;

And I have an action that checks if it can add.

protected override bool CanInvokeInternal(ItemInfo itemInfo, ItemUser itemUser)
    var addedItemInfo = itemCollection.CanAddItem(itemInfo);
    if (addedItemInfo.HasValue == false)
        return false;

    return itemCollection.AddingToCollection != null;

This decision is normal, or there are other options?
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Interesting, I hadn't really thought of that. I'm currently on vacation until the 3rd, but once I am back I'll have a closer look into this. Perhaps I can add this (or something similar) to the base class. But in the mean time do create your own class such that you can proceed normally
It looks like I was inattentive again, the documentation has an example of checking:

//create the Item Info you plan to add.
var itemInfoToAdd = (ItemInfo)(5, myItem);

// Check if the item can be added, the return type is a ItemInfo? (The ? means it is NULLABLE).
var canAddItemResult = itemCollection.CanAddItem(itemInfoToAdd);
    if(canAddItemResult.Value.Amount == itemInfoToAdd.Amount ){
        // The Item Amount can be fully added.
        // The Item can be added but only partially.
    // The item cannot be added.