Double-handed Items


New member

I have an Item Slot Collection with an Item Slot Set in which I have defined Slots for right hand and left hand. The thing is that Item Slot Sets only support one category by Slot while in my requirements I have to support hands to equip single-handed and double-handed weapons (which are two different categories).

I have two questions:

1. What's the recommended approach to deal with this use case?
2. How can I remove equipped items in both hand Slots when equipping double-handed items?

Thanks in advance.
Due to the sheer amount of possibilities with these sort of setups we don't have any options built-in for dual hand equipped.
There are many approach for this problem and the best really depends on your game.

My recommendation is to make dual-hand items inherit either left or right hand item category. This way when equipped it will go in either of those slots.

When you equip an item you usually use an ItemAction, in most cases the "MoveToItemCollectionItemAction", but you can also make your own custom ItemAction. This will allow you to have control over how items are equipped/unequipped.

You could do a "if dual-hand is is equipping then unequip both hands before equipping dual-hand item in right hand".

In terms of visuals you can show the dual-hand item just in the right hand slot. Or you can go a step further and add a custom ItemViewModule to your left hand ItemView. This custom ItemViewModule could check if the right hand has a dual hand item displayed. If so then it could either hide, or copy the visuals so that you see the same item in both slots.

I hope that guides you in the right direction