Demo scene cannot pickup items?


New member
I have been trying to figure this out for days. In our project (newest version of Unity) for some reason Nolan cannot pick up the items laying in the scene, and the first door didn't open at first either, until I clicked the free roam option.

I have made sure the layers are correct, all the download requirements are good, I have deleted the entire Opsive folder and reinstalled, I have tried the scene on my other computer in a fresh project of the same Unity version but its fine there. I have tried with Nolan and with our character no one can pick up the weapons.

There has to be something obvious causing this? I'm sure this has happened before. Its not like I can just move our entire game into a fresh project as we've been working on it for about a year so it is large. Please let me know! Thank you!
Very strange - what version of UCC are you on? Did you see this issue start happening when you updated Unity or UCC? On Unity 2019.4.13 it seems fine for me - I don't have access to the latest version right now, but I can double check that later on. Although to be honest not sure why a Unity update would have caused that to start happening. Also are you getting any warning/error messages?

Both those issues (not picking up items and door not opening) are related to trigger colliders, so it is worth double checking the layers and your project's collision matrix.
I'm using version 2.3.2. This was actually the first time importing it on this computer, as we've had it for about a month but I've only been testing and learning about the opsive stuff on the other computer in a test project until now. The layers are set up as they should be and the matrix is completely filled out, apart from postprocessing and a water layer. Granted, the layers WERE messed up originally, so I figured that was the issue, but after fixing and re-importing, the problem persists. Oh, and no errors.
Hm well I was unable to reproduce it on my end. When you say the layers were messed up what do you mean exactly? I assume you ran the project setup (update buttons & update layers)?
Meaning we already had layers specified in those spots, so certain things were layered under different names. When I hit the set up project buttons, it doesn't change the name of layers that were already there.
Definitely sounds like a layers thing then - there are layer masks defined in the inspector for various components, e.g. the Item Pickup ability has a "Detect Layers" layer mask and the Door has its "Layer Mask". I know you said you checked layers already but since your project had various layers already set up prior, then it's most likely that these layer masks have gotten confused. E.g. check which layer the item pickup is on (by default it's on layer 28 "VisualEffect") and make sure that layer's included in the Item Pickup's layer mask. You can also then do a similar thing for your character not colliding with other triggers (i.e. check the layer of your character's Capsule Collider).
Hm has your project changed any physics settings e.g. "Queries Hit Triggers"?

I know it's not particularly helpful but I don't see any reason other than layers/collision settings that should cause this, so if you're unable to figure it out and you're able to repro it in a fresh project feel free to DM me that and I'll take a look.
I had this same problem. I switched from another controller asset to Opsive TPC. Fresh project worked fine. Existing project did not. Wondering how I can run this down. As I really don't want to start a fresh project, with all the work I've put into this one. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
I fixed this problem by completely resetting my project's physics settings. I'm not sure what was messed up or how it happened. Hope this helps.
That solved it for me as well. Must have been something with collisions. Were you using Grabbit on your project? I know that can mess with collisions. I wonder if that was it.
Dude yes I was using grabbit ? I thought for sure it was because I switched from Game Creator to Opsive.