Deferred in Universal Render Pipeline


New member
I followed the instructions about how to use the Universal RP and things work fine. My problem is about the step where you need to add an extra Renderer to the Pipeline Asset, the OverlayForwardRendererData. I would need to switch it to the Deferred Rendering Path, but when I do so it gives an error about the Renderer needing control about the stencil buffer.
Could you please tell me the Stencil configuration for it to work?
Thanks for your time :)
I would try posting this on the Unity forum - it sounds like the error is coming from URP and not the character controller.
I would try posting this on the Unity forum - it sounds like the error is coming from URP and not the character controller.

@Justin Have you heard from anyone about how to fix this issue? FP hands clip through objects. I've tried every combination of the stencil settings but nothing seems to work. This only happens in Deferred and not Forward.

No, I haven't gotten that error so didn't post about it. You could try posting in the Unity forums.