Custom value for ItemName ?


New member
Hi Santiago

I am wondering, is it possible to have the ItemName derived from an Item Attribute?

Currently, it displays the ItemDefinition>Name, which is common to all objects using that definition and cannot be overridden from what I can tell.

To explain my use case (in case it is helpful). I have many Books. For each book, I override the Name, Description, PageContents, number of pages, etc. In the end, I have many unique books all using the same ItemDefinition, Book.

Yet they all share the same name, which is not good.

In the Inventory, I would like to be able to give them unique names, like Book1, Book2. Yet currently, they are all named Book, in spite of being unique in every other way.

Thoughts appreciated, thanks.


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If I remember correctly you can change the item name directly... but that might have undesired effects in certain areas.

Of course you can use an Attribute that you can use instead of the name.
Simply hide anything that shows the real item name (disable the text gameobject). And add a new ItemViewModule or AttributeViewModule to show your attribute item name.

A ValueAttributeView component should do the trick normally. Or you can make a custom ItemView module component if you prefer
Thanks Santiago, I'll look into those suggestions.

I'm only just starting to customize your UI and boy, it's a beast to try and understand.
I re-watched the ItemView video (I had watched it a month ago though it didn't make much sense at the time), and it was very obvious what I needed to change.

Thanks again Santiago.