Custom IK with UCC?


Active member

Okay so it turns out that I would like to use same camera to controll player and car. It grants me a dirty way to use guns in car. But when I use the maincamera (same camera to controll player and car) the guy is looking around with his holy body , he is sitting and holding hands on steering wheel but looks around with hands to... Now to my question, is there a way or included in UCC a ik script to lock hands to the wheel(or just left hand) ? If not, tips n tricks ?
The Character IK component controls IK (UCC also has an integration with Final IK which may be of interest). You could use the state system to set the look body weight to 0, for example, during the Drive ability.
Oh yeah ofcourse !! And with the state system I guess I can make the camera also change position a bit when driving ? .. does the state system have something "only these guns are allowed" in a state? And possibly to set the weight only on left arm, so he still moves around with Right?
Yes you could use a state preset to change the camera's Look Offset in the viewtype you're using. I think for targeting specific hands maybe you need to look at Final IK, but I'm not too familiar with it. For items, you can apply separate state presets to each Item Set in the character's Item Set Manager, so you could set "Enabled" to false for the items you want to disable.
Awesome , thanks alot! Yes I own it so let's have a look! .. does that work on runtime items too?
I believe for runtime pickups you would just need to set up the state presets on the pickup object's item set in its inspector, just like if it was in the character's Item Set Manager.
I saw something on the drive ability just to check and uncheck and add size on what items is allowed..
I got the camera working really smooth, so from that same state I can add look at body weight to 0, I also got the only pistol working on drive ability active . Thanks alot :)