Change UnityInputs Look sensitivity with sliders


Active member
I have a settings menu where I would like to give the player the opportunity to change the Look Sensitivity X & Y with the help of 2 sliders.

I have tried to change the Look Sensitivity by referencing the UnityInput.LookSensitivity.X and .Y and set them that way, but that is not allowed.

I read another thread ( about using the State system which seems like a solid solution. My problem is how do I connect my sliders values to the new created state values?

And where in the UltimateCharacterLocomotion do I set my LookSensitivity state? I want it to be enabled when not aiming.

If there is any clearification needed let me know!
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Nevermind! I got the solution.

Instead of complicating stuff for the player with 2 sliders one for X and one for Y you can set one slider and only adjust the LookSensitivityMultiplier.

Step 1:
Reference the unity input script

Step 2:
Set the LookSensitivityMultiplier to your sliders value
