Can't start crawl ability manually


Active member
Somebody please help me, I lost too much time on this today ! It now seems impossible to manually start the crawl ability, neither by using the TryStartAbility function nor by defining a manual input in the Abilities inspector foldout. It was possible to manually start this ability in my last project, but right now it only seems to work with triggers. I've run a last test in the Agility demo scene, first using TryStartAbility then a button down - button toggle input, but nothing happened. It is worth mentioning that when printing the CanStartAbility bool it always return true, which only makes the whole thing even stranger ! Lastly, I'm using UCC 2.4.4 and Agility Pack 1.1.1 - the two latest versions. Can someone please try manually starting the crawl ability in the demo scene ? Thanks in advance !
If you don't want to use triggers for crawl make sure you set the Max Trigger Count to 0. I just tested this setup with a manual start type and it worked.