[Bug][Unity 2020.3.4f1][BD 1.6.8] Frequent Editor Freezes in BinaryDeserialization.LoadField()


New member
I've been using Behavior Designer for at least a year and a half now, and just recently started getting freezes in the Unity editor after updating to the latest version (1.6.8). My Unity version is 2020.3.4f1. The editor never recovers and must be force quit. By pausing via debugger, I can see that it is always stuck in BinaryDeserialization.LoadField. From what I can tell looking at the stack, the field it is trying to load is most likely a SharedGameObjectList, but I cannot figure out what actual variable it is because most of the stack info is unavailable. So far it has occurred repeatedly upon selecting specific GameObjects that have behavior trees (both as prefabs in the inspector and as objects in the scene). It also occurs when the behavior trees on these objects have Start() called, both during Application.EnterPlayMode and if they are dynamically activated by a script. I've attached a screenshot of an example of the stack I see in the debugger when a freeze occurs.

I have also found some temporary workarounds that seem to work some of the time. Closing Behavior Designer and reimporting the broken prefabs fixed it for me once, and temporarily reverting my most recent changes, reimporting, then re-applying those changes worked another time. It is always specific prefabs or instances of a prefab that cause a freeze (if one object causes it, it will do so repeatedly until I've done one of the mentioned workarounds).

Update: the same freeze occurs in a standalone build of my game.


  • BehaviorDesignerFreezeStack.png
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