[Bug] Infinite loop in ObjectPoolBase


New member
Hello. We have found an infinite loop in ObjectPoolBase and we decided to report it :)

In function
private GameObject ObjectFromPool(PooledObjectKey pooledObjectKey, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent)

there is a while loop that starts with this code:
while (pool.Count > 0) {
    var instantiatedObject = pool.First.Value;
    // The object may be null if it was removed from an additive scene. Keep popping from the pool until the pool has a valid object or is empty.
    if (instantiatedObject == null) {

When instantiatedObject was destroyed by any reason and is null, it will be never removed from the collection because execution flow will never reach pool.RemoveFirst().

One way to fix the problem is to remove object before null checking. Also I propose cleaner comment.

while (pool.Count > 0) {
    var instantiatedObject = pool.First.Value;
    // The object may be null if it was destroyed by any reason (unloading scene, etc.). Keep removing objects from the pool until the pool has a valid object or is empty.
    if (instantiatedObject == null) {
This is related to the character controller, correct? That looks like a good change - I'll make it as well. Thanks!