[BUB] Crawl Strafe


Active member
Hi, Justin,

When Crawling, click on R-Mouse button(Aim mode) and try to strafe left or right. It will play CrawlStrafe animation but the character will not move.
I thought it was some setting in AnimClip but I can't seem to figure it out.
Could you please let me know what I need to do to fix it?

I'm not an expert on animation and I had similar issue before and I will appreciate it if you can teach me.


ps. I'm on 2019.3f6 and 2.1.10 UCC
This looks like a problem with the character locomotion component. It is setting the move direction to zero when it shouldn't be. I'll have a more proper fix in the next update but for now you can change the following within CharacterLocomotion:

            if (horizontalDirection.sqrMagnitude < c_ColliderSpacingSquared && Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(m_PlatformMovement, m_Up).sqrMagnitude < c_ColliderSpacingSquared) {
            if (horizontalDirection.sqrMagnitude < (c_ColliderSpacingSquared * c_ColliderSpacingSquared) && Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(m_PlatformMovement, m_Up).sqrMagnitude < (c_ColliderSpacingSquared * c_ColliderSpacingSquared)) {