Attack animation not working for any weapon


New member
While going through the tutorial videos for melee weapons(sword, body), I can't get the attack animation to trigger. All other animations (movement, jump, crouch, Aim, etc) are working.
I am using the Demo Item Configuration.
There was an error for the sword in that the box colliders were not added to the first/third person melee weapon scripts hitboxes.
I've tried making new projects three times, still getting the same problem with the attacks.

I looked at the animator, it doesn't appear that the Full Body Layer is activating. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I think I found my problem, I used the profile supplied with the demo. When I started a new project and made a new scene with only first or third person controller and did not specify the sword/body profiles supplied with the demo, it seemed to work correctly. It is still having a problem with the hitboxes for the sword, as in not setting them
I'm also getting an error that the movement type enum Adventure cannot be found when I specify a first person combat perspective and a third person combat perspective in the Character Manager scene, hit run, and then use 'v' to toggle perspective.