Recent content by xinoHITO

  1. X

    Is there a way to temporarily disable collision detection on the Character?

    I've checked tried changing the layer of my character's gameObject but it doesn't work. Then I checked and saw that if I change this layer mask it works but the property in code is Read-Only. I can edit the plugin's code but wanted to know if there's a way to avoid that.
  2. X

    SharedVariable mapped to float in Monobehaviour is always zero!!

    Oh I found the solution! I turns out I was setting the value of another SharedVariable through code. The issue was that this SharedVariable was also Mapped to a variable ... so this weird loop apparently caused the bug ... I deleted the code that set the value of the SharedVariable and now...
  3. X

    SharedVariable mapped to float in Monobehaviour is always zero!!

    Ok, I tried and created a fresh new project with only the scripts needed to test my WolfAI and EnemyBehaviour classes. I imported BehaviourDesigner and the Movement Pack fresh and it seems to work correctly. I forgot to mention that in my current project I moved Behaviour Designer to another...
  4. X

    SharedVariable mapped to float in Monobehaviour is always zero!!

    Well, title says it all. I have a class called WolfAI that inherits from a class called EnemyBehaviour. EnemyBehaviour has a DetectionRange property. public class EnemyBehaviour : MonoBehaviour, IKnockback { [TitleGroup("ENEMY")] [FoldoutGroup("ENEMY/Detection")] public bool...