Recent content by wokamoka

  1. W

    Adaptation of UCC to multiplayer, with Unet

    Hi, I was unable to work on it during 10 days, but I managed to get some improvements. I followed your advice and I updated the CharacterLayerManager. It works really fine. I double checked my own implementation of AnimatorMonitor. And I found out why it was not working properly. I was using...
  2. W

    Adaptation of UCC to multiplayer, with Unet

    Thanks a lot for the update. I'll look at the CharacterLayerManager. I indeed created a class that does similar actions than PunAnimatorMonitor. I'll check it again, I may have missed something. I'll give an update soon.
  3. W

    Adaptation of UCC to multiplayer, with Unet

    Hi Justin, I managed to synchronize the position and orientation, using PunCharacterTransform as a starting point. It works fine ;-) I almost managed to sync animations regarding walking. I have a threshold issue. When passing from walking state to idle state, sometimes the walking animation...
  4. W

    Adaptation of UCC to multiplayer, with Unet

    Thanks a lot Justin for your answer in a very short time. I will follow your advice about using PUN add-on as a reference.
  5. W

    Adaptation of UCC to multiplayer, with Unet

    I everybody, I'm trying to get UCC adapted to multiplayer, not with pun add-on, but with Unet (and probably soon with Mirror I guess). I implemented specific methods with specific implementations of INetworkInfo and INetworkCharacter. I also followed a similar fashion than the one followed in...