Recent content by silver91

  1. S

    Change Damage Amount

    I see. I notice what my code did. It is not changing the gun damage actually. Now when i control this value it is for character damage like base damage we can say. Any gun I equip it will inherit that damage from me that I did with that code. So no more unique damage to the guns. I did added...
  2. S

    Change Damage Amount

    public float DamageAmount { get { return PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("PlayerDamage",50); } set { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("PlayerDamage", value); } } We have to change this in ImpactCollisionData SCRIPT LINE 521 Damage Amount. I...
  3. S

    Change Damage Amount

    I got an issue with the damage changing for my player. public class ImpactDamageData : IImpactDamageData { [Tooltip("The Layer mask to which deal damage.")] [SerializeField] protected LayerMask m_LayerMask = ~( 1 << LayerManager.IgnoreRaycast | 1 <<...
  4. S

    Emerald AI Integration

    any update on this on solution , I cannot damage an AI also ?