Recent content by Santino2020

  1. S

    How to change player run and walk speed and deactivate abilities in Runtime

    How can i change player run and walk speed and deactivate abilities in Runtime???
  2. S

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding

    No, i cant create a new project, i already have my game with my own scripts, im not going to redo everything because of this. There should a solution, I reported this on Monday and i still doesnt have any useful info about this.
  3. S

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding

    Hello Justin. I tried copying an object from the demo scene and the camera didnt work, i also used the demo scene camera with my player but it only follows the player if i press "Init Character On Awake" and put the player transform in "Character". Maybe that is the problem? I also dont have...
  4. S

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding

    This is my setup of camera and player
  5. S

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding

    The default demo camera is working good. The problem is with mine. Unity: 2019.3.2f1 TPC: the last one: 2.2.5
  6. S

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding

    It passes trough all objects, box collider, sphere collider, mesh collider, terrain collider, etc. I tested it with my camera and player in the TPC demo scene and it the camera also doesnt collide.
  7. S

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding

    The view type is Third Person Adventure
  8. S

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding

    My third person camera goes through all the objects and is not colliding. Why does this happens?
  9. S

    Fall and Jump animations get bugged when pausing the game (Time.timeScale = 0;).

    Ok, but what is the problem so i can solve it in my project? I dont want to update right now because everthing else if fine.
  10. S

    Fall and Jump animations get bugged when pausing the game (Time.timeScale = 0;).

    transform.position assign attempt for 'Player' is not valid. Input position is { NaN, NaN, NaN }. UnityEngine.Transform:set_position(Vector3) Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.CharacterLocomotion:ApplyPosition() (at...
  11. S

    Fall and Jump animations get bugged when pausing the game (Time.timeScale = 0;).

    Ok, i will thank you if you tell me when the new version is ready to download. Cheers.