Recent content by Punfish

  1. P

    NonDominantHand IK wrong at pitch variances.

    It's definitely possible to do it with Unity IK. I drafted a solution since your last message, it appears to be working fairly well. I need to fine tune my implementation but in the mean time it's much closer than before.
  2. P

    NonDominantHand IK wrong at pitch variances.

    The position/rotation of the IKTarget would only *maybe* matter if it was rotating bones past their constraints, which I am not. But none the less to be thorough I've used the values you provided and was able to 100% of the time reproduce the bug at hand(pun intended); the hand still drifts and...
  3. P

    NonDominantHand IK wrong at pitch variances.

    It was put on the scope because it was easier to see the differences without model obstructions.; regardless of where the ik target is, the issue is the same. Sounds like your asset may need some tweaks because as-is this is broken 100% of the time, even in the demo.
  4. P

    NonDominantHand IK wrong at pitch variances.

    Sent message on forums with link to modified demo project.
  5. P

    NonDominantHand IK wrong at pitch variances.

    Yes, a child of the assault rifle visual. The left hand definitely lifts off the weapon when aiming up and goes downward when aiming down. It's not completely obvious but it does happen, and it's way more noticeable on larger models.
  6. P

    NonDominantHand IK wrong at pitch variances.

    IK for off hand is wrong when aiming at different pitches in third person combat (and likely other third person). Offset more drastic on UMA model at 1.87 units tall, perhaps related to bone length. 2018.4.3f1 / 2018.4.6f1 Reproduced in demo project. - Set Nolan as Third Person Combat in...
  7. P

    PUN Request: skip pooling when using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate and PhotonNetwork.Destroy.

    I made a small hack that seems to destroy while avoiding the pool. There may still be some instantiation garbage being created by the pool overriding instantiation behavior though. public void EventDestroy(PhotonView view) { if (view == null) return...
  8. P

    Mirror Networking for UCC Add-on

    You already know I'm in but let's make it official! Punfish#0001