Recent content by Necka

  1. N

    Camera rotation speed changes depending on framerate

    Here is a video showing the issue: Result is the same in build or editor mode. And the same if I use Update or Fixed Update on the character I'm using the latest TPC version from the store (downloaded yesterday) Unity 2020.3.9 I didn't change any setting in Unity, it's a fresh project Times...
  2. N

    Camera rotation speed changes depending on framerate

    I just tested again and my results are the same as yesterday, FixedUpdate or Update don't change the problem. I will make a quick video to show it Yes, I know and that's why I run my tests in builds. But actually this morning I figured out how to have the Vsync working properly in Editor (was...
  3. N

    Camera rotation speed changes depending on framerate

    Hello Justin, I actually changed the character locomotion update mode first. So yes my test where with the character in FixedUpdate mode. But I don't think it has any influence at all, I could bet you can have a componentless cube instead of the character that the Camera will still behave the...
  4. N

    Camera rotation speed changes depending on framerate

    Hello, I'm sorry if this question was already asked, I did search before. I'm having an issue that is hopefully simple enough to reproduce. I'm using UTPC My test scene is simple, I took the Nolan from the demo scene and put it in an empty scene with just a plane. Added game manager and...
  5. N

    Performance (on many AIs)

    I limited it already to my ground (one layer), the regular obstacles (one layer) and the characters (one layer): didn't improve anything
  6. N

    Performance (on many AIs)

    I wanted to create a post about it but the search just gave me this. I'm not even close to 40 AI and have the same issue. I lose between 10 and 15 fps by AI character added. Just with my main character on a reference test rig (GTX 1080 Ti, Core I7 7700k everything on ultra settings graphic...
  7. N

    Issue with reload and instant Fire input

    Thank you, The thing is I'm already using a preset to prevent firing until reloading is completely finished. I just want that if you hold down the fire button that it does NOT fire when the reload is finished (like it works when you empty the clip and have the automatic reload)
  8. N

    Issue with reload and instant Fire input

    Hi, I made a small modification as in the example scene the reload+fire is not to my liking In the demo if you reload and instantly press fire it interrupts the reload (even though the new bullets are in but the reload animation played for only 0.5 sec) I did that by adding a "ReloadUsePreset"...