Recent content by nathh

  1. N

    Ability preset not keeping target

    Hey Justin, how would I go about setting the target at runtime? Haven't been able to find a code example in the documentation.
  2. N

    Ability preset not keeping target

    Hey, I have this RotateTowards ability preset that sets the target to a game object that is parented to my player, which is placed in the scene (player is also is a prefab, for what its worth). Problem is, the target field seems to go blank every time I close and reopen the project. I have to...
  3. N

    Resident Evil/Silent Hill style combat

    Ended up making an additional two states 'RotateActive' and 'RotateDeactive' one which sets the target to the targeter, the other that sets it to none. I activate/deactivate these two states twice each in my distance check, once when a target is within range, and again when its not. I then...
  4. N

    Resident Evil/Silent Hill style combat

    Right, almost there. I'm trying to activate my 'RotateActive' state when the player is aiming. I have the following code (attached to an empty game object in the scene) which works if I remove all references to the Aim state (problem being that the character is constantly in the 'RotateActive'...
  5. N

    Resident Evil/Silent Hill style combat

    Think I have this pretty much working as intended now so I'll leave this here in case anyone else is looking for a solution in the future: In addition to the previous steps mentioned- I set the movement type to third person psuedo 3D I added a rotate towards ability to the player. I set the...
  6. N

    Resident Evil/Silent Hill style combat

    Bit more progress, I stumbled across the 'Use Character Look Direction' tickbox under the Third Person Cinemachine view type on the camera controller. Now the character aims in the direction they're facing - which is great! The final step would now be to have the player aim towards an enemy...
  7. N

    Resident Evil/Silent Hill style combat

    Currently I have the use ability disabled with a state that enables it when the player holds the aim button. This is working, although the character still aims directly upwards each time.
  8. N

    Resident Evil/Silent Hill style combat

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers in how to achieve a combat style similar to the classic Resident Evil or Silent Hill games. Currently I'm using the Third Person Adventure movement type and using Cinemachine for my cameras. This is working great for general movement...
  9. N

    Adventure Creator and UCC - Custom actions for equip/unequip

    Thanks for the advice Justin, it worked a treat.
  10. N

    Adventure Creator and UCC - Custom actions for equip/unequip

    Third time's the charm. Seems I needed to add: using Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Items; using Opsive.Shared.Events; and then for the function itself I needed to call the EventHandler stuff: EventHandler.ExecuteEvent<Item, int>(m_Character, "OnAbilityWillEquipItem", item, m_SlotID)...
  11. N

    Adventure Creator and UCC - Custom actions for equip/unequip

    Hey, bit of an update. I have since gone through the Runtime Item Pickups tutorial on the Opsive youtube channel (a step I had overlooked before). On my player under the Inventory (Script) component I have the weapon defined under the default loadout with an amount of 0 (to prevent the player...
  12. N

    Adventure Creator and UCC - Custom actions for equip/unequip

    Hey, I'm trying to make two custom actions for Adventure Creator that tell UCC to either equip or unequip my melee weapon. I'm using the third person Opsive package. I have the weapon set to be equipped by UCC by default, that's all working as intended with attack animations etc all fine. So...