Recent content by meichen8050753

  1. M

    Performance optimization when EnableBehavior

    It possible simply copy behaviorTree form origin what is deserializated if I confirmed thare are the same
  2. M

    Performance optimization when EnableBehavior

    thanks for your replay I deserialized ai during a loading screen of course. In my case, If I load ai cost 2 or less sec that will perfect, But in my case it cost 5-7sec in MSM8998 or more in lower.
  3. M

    Performance optimization when EnableBehavior

    I load ExternalBehavior from pool and starBehavior with BehaviorTree.EnableBehavior(); But I found that everytime when I call BehaviorTree.EnableBehavior(), I must BinaryDeserialization form ExternalBehavior, Even they has same ExternalBehavior. If I start with 20 monsters It will make a...
  4. M

    GC Collect When OnControllerColliderHit Called

    I change code like this, thare are none of GC
  5. M

    GC Collect When OnControllerColliderHit Called

    Thanks for replay, if UserController.move Called, And UserController collision anthor collider than Move_Injected will be Called
  6. M

    GC Collect When OnControllerColliderHit Called

    It only happens if you have a OnControllerColliderHit method declared (and then I assume only if there's a collision, but with gravity that will nearly always be the case), because Unity has to allocate the hit information and provide it to you. than gc generated. Can you provide me a dll that...
  7. M

    GC Collect When OnControllerColliderHit Called

    emm, my fault, my test shows the how gc generated with the OnControllerColliderHit of behavior registered, In our project, every components are be cached
  8. M

    GC Collect When OnControllerColliderHit Called

    The issue is behavior registered the OnControllerColliderHit method MyTest is 30 Object with behavior tree the profile is Collect 2.3k GC pre frame 30 Object without behavior tree the profile is There none of GC public class MoveTest : MonoBehaviour { // Start is called before...
  9. M

    GC Collect When OnControllerColliderHit Called

    if I Called CharacterController.Move On Ground and Unity Find OnControllerColliderHit Registered, Unity will to allocate the hit information and Call OnControllerColliderHit. It will collect 2K GC pre frame。...
  10. M

    Why push and pop task cost so much performance

    There are anyway to get howmany tasks traversed during a single frame?
  11. M

    Why push and pop task cost so much performance

    this is the one of popTask, none of condition or action called. but cost 1.47ms in 21 calls
  12. M

    Why push and pop task cost so much performance

    my test environment is mobile and cpu is MSM8998 this is my behavior tree