Recent content by Loveridge Designs

  1. Loveridge Designs

    UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls

    Basically because my game was literally ready to ship, I couldnt alter the skin width via the inspector without changing how the more player movement felt so pretty much i dynamically change the value based on the players state :)
  2. Loveridge Designs

    UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls

    Great to hear my hours of fumbling through code like a fool has helped someone out hahah ! :)
  3. Loveridge Designs

    UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls

    *** UPDATE AND FIX Hey guys, to anyone having this issue, you need to go into your the locomotion script and modify the m_skinwdith value to a positive number rather than a negative one, and it fixes the issue, around 0.1f works well .
  4. Loveridge Designs

    UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls

    ok that's a tough one, regarding the wall bounce and wall glide variable, are they any use in this case? i have tried altering the values but they have no effect ( ive tried against different typed of colliders also) the main issue is with the mesh colliders
  5. Loveridge Designs

    UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls

    what aspects have been improved that you think could be the offending piece of code? you must have some inclination as to what it could be(somewhere we could start atleast), i would really appreciate your assistance as its a pretty bad bug and kills our games movement end of things. Just...
  6. Loveridge Designs

    UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls

    Hey Justin, I haven't updated the UCC in a few months due to a concern about it breaking my project (even though i know it probably wouldn't, saying that it has done this since i got the UCC but i just never got around it trying to fix it). Repo scene-wise it won't be possible as the game is...
  7. Loveridge Designs

    UCC Getting stuck on vertical walls

    as can be seen from the screenshot my character is getting stuck on a vertical wall, I have tried everything i can think of( physic materials, all setting son the UCC editor windows etc) what is the solution?
  8. Loveridge Designs

    Coyote Time PRE 2.1

    i just checked and their is no grounded grace period in the script ? :)
  9. Loveridge Designs

    Coyote Time PRE 2.1

    hey justin, following up about this??
  10. Loveridge Designs

    Coyote Time PRE 2.1

    I just had a look and i cant find that field within the script , any ideas?
  11. Loveridge Designs

    Coyote Time PRE 2.1

    Hey Justin, Hope you are keeping well Basically i am looking to implement coyote time into the character controller, I cannot update the character controller as ive done so many modifications to it that i would be back at square one. I have built a "platformer" ability set which includes ...
  12. Loveridge Designs

    Wander task ( how to continually check)

    Hey Justin,i have tried conditional aborts but i can't get it to work correctly, the event just stays in the wander state and never fires after being called again, what conditional abort are you recommending?
  13. Loveridge Designs

    Wander task ( how to continually check)

    Hey Justin, how can i continually check the can see object task while the AI is wandering because currently once he starts wandering he never stops. Also, what is the correct way to end a behavior tree and go back to the start?
  14. Loveridge Designs

    Physics material simulation

    Awesome, which script would i find that in?
  15. Loveridge Designs

    Physics material simulation

    ok :) is there anything that is related to physics material in the controller that i can expand on or is it just not a feature yet?