Recent content by BehaviourDesignerGuy

  1. B

    Get variable from other Game Object to compare

    To get a value in another script and check it use the conditional>reflection>get field value (not the property value). Now your scripts values should be accessible by behaviour designer. In my example the Compare Field Value is on my enemy AI and the script has been selected and I've chosen to...
  2. B

    Abort will not work to exit patrol Sequence to seek Sequence

    This topic has been resolved with solution and updates here : You are free to change it to resolved now on this post.
  3. B

    Can See Object (not seeing)

    I would like to add that Seek and Pursue are actually really bad at AI Steering with the Navmesh. I replaced them with Move Towards with it's Look At checkbox ticked and it works like a charm. Here is the complete Graph working very nicely there's even sound and animations in there. Here is the...
  4. B

    Getting this error about runtime asmdef

    Do I need the runtime source at all if I don't plan on making changes in play mode?
  5. B

    Can See Object (not seeing)

    Ok I finally figured it out. There are no clear documentation or video tutorials to do this and Behaviour machine is very finicky so here is a video on the step by steps of how I made this work. The enemy will loop around patrolling endlessly until the character comes into it's view and will...
  6. B

    Abort will not work to exit patrol Sequence to seek Sequence

    Now I'm still having an issue where the sequences will not switch to the other. The patrol task is always running so why does the abort not work because the enemy should see the player and switch sequence now that I fixed the can see issue?
  7. B

    Can See Object (not seeing)

    Now I'm still having an issue where the sequences will not switch to the other. The patrol task is always running so why does the abort not work because the enemy should see the player and switch sequence now that I fixed the can see issue?
  8. B

    Abort will not work to exit patrol Sequence to seek Sequence

    Update it now works I see it's because my player's transform gizmo shows as being at my characters feet but I thought it would see my characters body from feet to head. This is pretty sad it should not be like this and I was lucky to find an answer before I considered bailing on this package. I...
  9. B

    Can See Object (not seeing)

    I also spent days with this issue and support answered saying things should be working but I see it's because my player's transform gizmo shows as being at my characters feet so the enemy line of sight on the cone was seeing my characters body but not it's feet where it's pivot point is but I...
  10. B

    Getting this error about runtime asmdef

    Plugin 'Assets/Behavior Designer/Runtime/BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.dll' has the same filename as Assembly Definition File 'Assets/Behavior Designer/Runtime/BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.asmdef'. Rename the assemblies to avoid hard to diagnose issues and crashes I haven't done anything special just...
  11. B

    Abort will not work to exit patrol Sequence to seek Sequence

    I am still struggling with this issue and have tried to re-order the nodes but still no luck. The documentation says however that the enemy can see should not be yellow it should be red is this correct so does this mean that something is blocking my enemy can see? And how do you interrupt the...
  12. B

    Abort will not work to exit patrol Sequence to seek Sequence

    Sorry I don't understand what you are saying I am a beginner and so running into the enemy vision is supposed to stop the patrol but it doesn't so how do I solve this could be give a step by step?
  13. B

    Abort will not work to exit patrol Sequence to seek Sequence

    I followed as much documentation I could and looked at the tutorials of the movement pack and youtube tutorials but they are really basic as I couldn't find anything on how to create an enemy who patrols from waypoint to waypoint and then if your player comes into view the enemy will chase you...