Recent content by bdg_toast

  1. B

    StringToQuaternion using culture-sensitive deserialisation for x argument

    Hi there, We've run into issues with BT deserialisation when the system language is set to French, it appears that some of the JSON deserialisation is culture-sensitive. I tracked it down to StringToQuaternion, the first call to float.Parse is missing a CultureInfo.InvariantCulture argument...
  2. B

    [Request] Log exceptions thrown from inspector

    Currently if an exception is thrown in while drawing the inspector, BD seems to swallow it without logging to the console. This makes identifying issues with the inspector and custom drawers extremely difficult, as not only is finding the source harder but it is sometimes not obvious that there...
  3. B

    [Request] Paste at cursor

    Awesome! Thanks a tonne.
  4. B

    [Request] Paste at cursor

    Hi there, It would be a great QoL improvement if when pasting nodes from the clipboard, the node(s) would be positioned underneath the cursor, if the cursor is on the BD window. For reference: UE does this when pasting blueprint nodes, helps reduce the number of clicks and/or amount of mouse...
  5. B

    Cannot draw a task field from a custom drawer

    The stack overflow is the inspector recursively drawing the custom drawer. It looks almost exactly like so: [CustomObjectDrawer(typeof(BossAttackBase))] public class BossAttackBaseDrawer : ObjectDrawer { public override void OnGUI(GUIContent label) { var attack = task as...
  6. B

    Cannot draw a task field from a custom drawer

    So I've run into a bit of a snag when trying to draw a task field from a task with a custom drawer. Background: we have type X which the base type we use for all of our boss attacks, this has a custom drawer that handles some conditional inspector drawing logic. I've added a field "OtherTask"...
  7. B

    Scene object reference error does not appear on detached nodes

    Hi there, When setting up some custom nodes I noticed that references to Transform, GameObject, or SharedTransform will not save on external behaviour trees. Once actually attached to the tree a helpful "Behavior tree variables at the project level cannot reference objects within a scene."...
  8. B

    Task "Reset" button does not save changes

    @Justin cheers, please do! I assume you already have my email address?
  9. B

    Task "Reset" button does not save changes

    This doesn't seem like it would be intended behaviour, so I'd call it a bug. But if it is intended behaviour, please consider this a feature request. The "Reset" button, which calls `Task.OnReset`, does not seem to save changes to the task data after execution. My expectation would be that...
  10. B

    OnDrawGizmos broken with external behaviours

    OK so I took some time to try repro with 1.7.4, and the main issue is no longer present, thanks! One thing I did notice is that if you have "Gizmos View Mode" to "Always", `OnDrawGizmos` won't be called after loading the scene, until you select the gameobject and open the behaviour tree. After...
  11. B

    OnDrawGizmos broken with external behaviours

    A couple hours before making that post I downloaded and installed the runtime source version from the downloads page, replacing the asset store version we had installed. The welcome window when opening Behavior Designer shows "Version 1.7.2". So we're either using 1.7.2 (and the runtime source...
  12. B

    OnDrawGizmos broken with external behaviours

    When working with a behaviour tree with an external behaviour, gizmos will not work after a reload. Potentially a bug within `Behavior.CheckForSerialization`, `Behavior.mBehaviorSource` isn't populated properly after a load. I'm seeing `Behavior.mBehaviorSource.RootTask` and...