Recent content by Arauta

  1. A

    Iterate external trees in editor?

    I'm trying to find all external tree assets in my project and change some variables in a task, I can find those tasks and change them successfuly, after that I use EditorUtility.SetDirty to mark the asset, But it will then revert to it's original state after a reload, is there anyway to achieve...
  2. A

    BT asset selects itself randomly

    I'm pretty sure it's from BD, If i use lock in BD editor, the random selection won't happen. Maybe there're some selection when editor window isn't locked?
  3. A

    BT asset selects itself randomly

    I tried to reproduce it but failed. And I found it only start happen after I edit the extrenal tree. It's fine if I dont edit them. Can we get a preference setting to make BD don't select external trees as a workaround?
  4. A

    BT asset selects itself randomly

    After select an external tree once, it will select the external tree on next click in editor no matter what i select. and it happens everytime I enter or exit playmode Werid behaviour in link :
  5. A

    Can't download latest version of BD (1.7.1)

    Sorry for late respond, but I managed to find the problem, It's because ScriptableObject, when reference a SO in a List of class , It got reverted to null and all variable resets. It only happens in JSON mode.
  6. A

    Can't download latest version of BD (1.7.1)

    After some testing, I found out I was actually using 1.7.1 by looking at the asset . But my Class with [System.Serializable] attribute still got reverted to null and 0 when I save. The bug only happens in Json mode.
  7. A

    Can't download latest version of BD (1.7.1)

    My package manager is showing 1.7.0 only. Tried deleting the cache folder but no luck. I still got the Json serialization bug so I presume it's not just a visual bug caused by package manager. Any ideas ? Thanks !
  8. A

    How to know if the tree is paused ?

    I want to temporary pause the tree , then when some condition is met , reenable it .