FPC and TPC in same project?


New member
Hi all,

anyone installed both First Person Controller and Third person Controller and got demo scenes working ok ?

If i add First Person Controller to new empty project, its demo scene works ok.
When i add Third person Controller to that same project...now get errors trying to play UCC or FPC demo scenes.

Happening on Unity2018.2.9f1 and Unity2017.2.3p4


  • opsive1.PNG
    325.4 KB · Views: 5
There are a couple of issues going on related to the export process. I have fixed the Ultimate Character Controller scene for the next version but for now if you want to use the first/third person demo scenes try updating the DemoManager with the file below.

Which character is that? In the first or third person scene? The ultimate scene won't work until the next update (just trying to fix the remaining issues and then should be able to submit).