Recent content by Justin

  1. Justin

    [Bug] Null Reference Exception caused by serialized list parameter in State Behavior

    Thanks for the report. It's having a problem casting source to IList<T>. You can fix this by changing the following within Preset.UpdateIList: var sourceList = source as IList<T>; var destinationList = destination as IList<T>; to...
  2. Justin

    How to make top down style game's camera fixed when I move into an area with roof?

    If you set the top down view type collision radius to 0 then it won't detect the collider.
  3. Justin

    How to use the right button for rotation camera in top down style game?

    You can change the button mapping for the right joystick/touchpad area if you are using the virtual controls integration. There isn't a mapping to reset the camera, for this you'll need to subclass the top down viewtype and add some code which resets the pitch/yaw to a specific rotation.
  4. Justin

    Quick Start, Quick Stop and Quick Turn abilities

    Check your animation events. Those animations require the OnAnimatorStopMovementComplete animation event to indicate when the ability should end. For the stop one you can adjust the sensitivity settings on the ability itself.
  5. Justin

    Flashlight attached to clothing - how?

    On the EquipUnequip ability for slot 0 you can specify the auto equip type. You can also manually call EquipUnequip.StartEquipUnequip(n) where n is your ItemSet. This page has more info...
  6. Justin

    Do I use states or abilities and how to I Implement them.

    This would be an ability. As a general rule states can change the values of a piece of functionality, but it cannot add new functionality. In this case the jump ability does not have a feature to move towards a target so it requires a new ability. If you have the agility pack I recommend taking...
  7. Justin

    Animator's "Slot0ItemStateIndex" parameter is the same for Equip and Unequip

    I just tried the demo scene and the value was switched to 5 when unequpping the assault rifle. Are you immediately unequipping the item which prevents the unequip animation from playing, or did you replace the animations and missed an event?
  8. Justin

    Add Roll Backward animation in Roll ability problem

    Did you add an animation event to indicate that the roll ability can complete?
  9. Justin

    Ultimate Steamworks Networking - Assets Project (Fish-Net, Mirror and Netcode)

    Congrats on the release @Pesadelo do Espantalho!
  10. Justin

    Thank you

    Awesome. I really appreciate you posting this! I'm very happy that Behavior Designer is working well for you. If you don't mind leaving a review on the Asset Store I'd appreciate it :)
  11. Justin

    PunLookSource possible bug

    Thanks, that looks like a good change.
  12. Justin

    EventHandler and events

    Ah, that's an animation event. Take a look at this page for how that works:
  13. Justin

    Ability Change parameter

    These pages describe the parameters through both text and a video:
  14. Justin

    How could I make a decorator that runs its child task every specified number of frames?

    This sounds similar to the Cooldown task, but different. Cooldown works based on a time but it'd be trivial to switch that to frames (though you'd have to account for framerate so I recommend using seconds instead). With that said, I'm not sure if Cooldown is exactly the same as what you are...
  15. Justin

    Broken Behavior Tree Issue

    I would need the actual behavior tree, along with other supporting assets so it actually loads. With that said, while I am not sure as the line that it is having a problem on, I'll add some more null checks to MarkNodeDirty so we can first test this solution out. If it still throws an error in...