It has been a long time coming but we are excited that the new has been launched! We first want to give a huge shout out to superboss for creating the new site – we are really happy with the way that it turned out!

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the new site. The main product pages are grouped under the Solutions page. The Character Solution page has a filter which lets you determine which character controller asset is right for you:

All of the documentation now lives on the Support page. The Behavior Designer documentation is largely the same as before and the Ultimate Character Controller documentation is new.

Be sure to also check out our new forums. The new forums are where you should post any new Behavior Designer topics as well as Ultimate Character Controller topics. We will not be migrating any content from the old site so the previous forums will continue to exist for some time. Eventually we’ll switch the old forums into read only mode when nobody is really using them anymore.

We also now have a discord channel! This channel is meant more to build the community and talk about future features or what you’re currently working on. The forums should continue to be used as the primary means for support.

The Shop is the last major new aspect on the site. We’ll be kicking things off with Ultimate Character Controller sales starting tomorrow!